Fiscalità Tedesca, Europea & internazionale




DLA Piper UK LLP, Francoforte, Germania

CMS Germania, Stoccarda, Germania





Università di Zurigo, Dottorato in Fiscalità Internazionale, Svizzera

Rome Business School,

Master Gestione & Politica, Italia

Università di Mannheim,

Diritto & Economia, Germania





Avvocato, Germania


Dottore Commercialista, Germania


Avvocato specializzato in Diritto Tributario, Germania

(Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht)

Pascal Hornstein

Lingue: Tedesco, Inglese, Francese, Spagnolo, Italiano

Multilingual, interdisciplinary, entrepreneurial.


Le tasse sono costi, rischi e incidono sulla liquidità. Le misure fiscali hanno un impatto enorme sull'organizzazione e sui processi della sua azienda. Per offrire soluzioni fiscali è un vantaggio competitivo decisivo possedere un set di competenze giudiziarie e la conoscenza di aree del diritto commerciale correlate, come il diritto societario, il diritto processuale o il diritto penale. Tuttavia, è anche decisivo essere consapevoli di agire come risk manager, contabile manageriale e manager finanziario o operativo quando si offre consulenza in materia di diritto tributario. Grazie alla mia esperienza di specialista in fiscalità internazionale con un background di diritto e scienze economiche, permetto ai miei clienti di portare avanti la loro


business without borders.


List of Publications & Presentations



  • Presentation of a webinar for Spanish companies in Germany of the Spanish Economic and Commercial Office in Berlin and ICEX: Fiscalidad empresarial en Alemania (Corporate Taxation in Germany), 7 July 2021


  • Comment on judgement Financial Court Schleswig-Holstein, 24 May 2018: Gift tax - On the reduction of the tax liability through a guarantee, review: nwb Erben und Vermögen (5/2020, p. 176), co-author Dr Björn Demuth
  • Comment on judgement Federal Financial Court, 27 November 2019: Supervisory board members as VATable persons, review: BetriebsBerater (21/2020, p. 1180), co-author Dr Björn Demuth
  • Essay: Letting a property at non-market rents - inheritance tax structuring options taking into account income tax, nwb Erben und Vermögen (7/2020, p. 245), co-author Dr Björn Demuth
  • Comment on judgement Federal Financial Court, 5 December 2019: Inheritance and gift tax - valuation of real estate, nwb Erben und Vermögen (7/2020, p. 247), co-author Dr Björn Demuth
  • Comment on judgement Financial Court, 10 September 2020: Inheritance tax - administrative assets and option exemption when acquiring several companies, nwb Erben und Vermögen (11/2020, p. 392), co-author Dr Björn Demuth
  • Comment on judgement Federal Financial Court, 10 June 2021: Depreciation on foreign currency loans in the event of fundamental exchange rate changes, review: DStRK 2021, 325, co-author Felix Hefner
  • Comment on Judgement Federal Financial Court, 4 November 2021: Economic employer in the case of intra-group international employee secondment, review: IStR 2022, 288
  • Comment on judgement Financial Court Dusseldorf, 4 May 2022: Gift tax – Credit of Swiss inheritance tax against German gift tax, nwb Erben und Vermögen (7/2022, p. 237), co-author Dr Björn Demuth
  • Essay: Real estate transfer tax in the case of a spin-off of a sole proprietorship into a corporation or partnership with an option under § 1a KStG - the retention periods of § 6a p. 4 GrEStG in BetriebsBerater (33-34/2022, p. 1879), co-author Felix Hefner
  • Various blog posts or brochures available on the internet